When Letters Are Not Enough

October 18, 2019
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Most associations have faced lot owners who refuse to “play by the rules.”  Those owners may ignore limits on pets, attempt to build non-permitted structures, or create nuisances on their property.  While injunctions can often require the lot owner to follow property restrictions, Associations have another tool that is less expensive and often makes sense as a first step in resolving the problem. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 47F-3-102(12) and §107.1 applies to all planned communities subject to the Planned Community Act regardless of their date of creation.  It gives associations the power to fine and suspend privileges of lot owners for failure to comply with the declarations, bylaws and rules and regulations of the community.  Notice and an opportunity to be heard before fines are…

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Tip of the Month

September 20, 2019
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N.C. Gen. Stat. § 47F-3-121 contains restrictions on the ability of associations to regulate or prohibit American and state flags and political signs. Be sure to check your declarations to make sure they are in compliance with this statute.

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Termination of Declarant Contracts

September 20, 2019
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An association board of directors may take over operation of a planned community and discover that the declarant or declarant-controlled board entered into contracts that the board wishes to end. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 47F-3-105 provides that an association’s contract that began while the declarant controlled the association can be terminated without penalty. The contract must not be a bona fide contract or it must be unconscionable to the lot owners at the time the contact began.  The board must give at least 90 days’ notice before terminating the contract. If your association has had discussions with your declarant regarding a turnover of the association to an elected board, it is important to have a properly prepared document spelling out the terms of the turnover…

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Proxy Voting 101

September 20, 2019
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Associations, planned communities, and condominiums subject to all of the provisions of the Planned Community Act and the Condominium Act are required to permit proxy voting. Planned Communities and condominiums formed after the effective date of those statutes are permitted proxy voting unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws prohibit or limit proxy voting. One owner of a lot may execute a proxy, but if a lot is owned by more than one person, each owner of the lot may vote or register a protest to the casting of votes by the other owners through a proxy. It is important to make sure that proxies are dated. A proxy is void if not dated. A proxy terminates eleven (11) months after its date, unless it…

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Short Term Rentals

August 12, 2019
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For several years the subject of short-term rentals has been a hot topic in planned communities.  A North Carolina Supreme Court case had held that an amendment to declarations outlawing short term rentals may not be permissible in area where short term rentals are common.  That decision did suggest that while outright prohibition may not be allowed, limitations on rentals were permitted. Planned Communities have been dealing with the issue by amending their declarations in a number of different ways but we have not seen a case reach the Court of Appeals yet that would offer more detailed guidance on what will and will not be permitted. We will update this topic as new decisions are published.

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Tip for Annual Meetings

August 12, 2019
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Be sure that your notice of the annual meeting contains the time and place of the meeting, the items on the agenda, including the general nature of any proposed amendment to the declaration or bylaws, or any budget changes, and any proposal to remove a director or officer. N.C.G.S. § 47F-3-108.

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Trend in Court Cases

August 12, 2019
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Trying to predict how a court will rule on planned community issues can be difficult.  Each community has a unique set of covenants and many issues that arise do not impact enough lots or money to reach the Court of Appeals.  However, there appears to be a trend developing in that could be harmful to lot owners – application of a contract analysis. The Court of Appeals has approached declarations as a simple contract with lot owners and in some recent cases and upheld provisions that placed a burden on lot owners and/or associations.  Some judges are taking the position that if the declarations give the developer an unfair advantage there is no remedy because lot owners agreed to the declarations when they accepted a…

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The Importance of Communication

October 26, 2017
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Many of the problems that face community associations have their origin in poor communications.  Many lot owners have little contact or interest in the association until such time as they complain about some activity or lack of service.  Community associations that are the most successful make an effort to keep their members informed on a regular basis so that a trusting relationship is developed. In our experience, the biggest challenge to a well-run association does not come from a large number of members opposing the association board but is caused by a complete lack of interest and cooperation by many lot owners.  If a substantial number of apathetic lot owners are only contacted when the association needs their approval of some action, those lot owners are less…

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Statues of Limitation and Repose…Explained

September 28, 2017
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The terms “Statutes of Limitation” and “Statutes of Repose” are often confused.  A statute of limitation limits the amount of time that a claimant has to file suit.  Statutes of limitation generally begin to run on the date the cause of action accrues which, in most cases, is the time of an injury or the discovery of an injury to property of a person.  They are purely a procedural defense to a claim.  Technically speaking, the claim continues to exist but no relief can be obtained once the statute of limitation has expired. Statutes of repose are considered to be more rigid in their application.  Time limitations for statutes of repose are usually not measured from the day the cause of action accrues.  Instead, they often are based upon the…

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Court Affirms Lot Owners’ Obligation

August 11, 2017
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In an August 1, 2017 decision, Tanglewood Property Owners’ Ass’n v. Isenhour, et al., the North Carolina Court of Appeals affirmed the duty of a property owner that has the right to use an easement in a subdivision to pay for a share of the cost of maintaining the easement. In this case a voluntary property owners’ association created prior to the Planned Community Act was awarded judgment against a lot owner who claimed that he did not use all of the roadway easement in a subdivision and was not a member of the association. The Court’s opinion restated the principle that the obligation to contribute to road maintenance can be calculated on a pro rata (per lot) basis without regard to the combination of…

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